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Ne bomo se vrnili v mračna trideseta. Zgodovina se nikoli ne ponavlja dobesedno. Avtoritarni duh ima mnoga življenja.
People take pictures of a mural of an East German Trabant car painted at a restored segment of the East Side Gallery, the largest remaining part of the former Berlin Wall, in Berlin November 8, 2009.  REUTERS/Thomas Peter  (GERMANY POLITICS ANNIVERSARY ENTERTAINMENT)
People take pictures of a mural of an East German Trabant car painted at a restored segment of the East Side Gallery, the largest remaining part of the former Berlin Wall, in Berlin November 8, 2009. REUTERS/Thomas Peter (GERMANY POLITICS ANNIVERSARY ENTERTAINMENT)
Mitja Čander
16. 3. 2019 | 06:00

Celoten članek je na voljo le naročnikom.

Berite Delo 3 mesece za ceno enega.


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