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Boj proti trgovini z ljudmi: Metode izkoriščanja postajajo vse bolj prefinjene, zato je kazniva dejanja težko dokazati
Romanian prostitutes pose in the brothel "Pussy Club" in Schoenefeld April 15, 2009. It did not take long for the world's latest economic crisis to have a trickle-down effect on the world's oldest profession in Germany. But in one of the few countries where prostitution is legal -- and thus extraordinarily transparent -- the industry has 
responded with a special stimulus package of its own: modern marketing tools, rebates and gimmicks to boost flagging demand. Picture taken April 15. To match feature GERMANY-PROSTITUTES/    REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke  (GERMANY BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT) - RTXE790
Romanian prostitutes pose in the brothel "Pussy Club" in Schoenefeld April 15, 2009. It did not take long for the world's latest economic crisis to have a trickle-down effect on the world's oldest profession in Germany. But in one of the few countries where prostitution is legal -- and thus extraordinarily transparent -- the industry has responded with a special stimulus package of its own: modern marketing tools, rebates and gimmicks to boost flagging demand. Picture taken April 15. To match feature GERMANY-PROSTITUTES/ REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke (GERMANY BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT) - RTXE790
18. 10. 2018 | 09:00
19. 10. 2018 | 12:46

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