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Poziv vsem Evropejcem

Ne glede na to, v kaj verjamemo in od kod prihajamo, vsi smo državljani Evrope. Čas je, da na to resnico spet opozorimo naše voditelje.
A seamstress sowing an EU flag in a Belgrade workshop, Monday, Dec. 19, 2005. European Union and Belgrade officials are to tackle "technical" issues on Tuesday in the Serbian capital, as part of talks on the Balkan country's pre-membership agreement with the EU. The negotiations formally opened in November and Serbia-Montenegro hopes to sign the so-called "stabilization and association" deal, considered a stepping-stone to full EU membership, in 2006. (AP photo/Darko Vojinovic)
A seamstress sowing an EU flag in a Belgrade workshop, Monday, Dec. 19, 2005. European Union and Belgrade officials are to tackle "technical" issues on Tuesday in the Serbian capital, as part of talks on the Balkan country's pre-membership agreement with the EU. The negotiations formally opened in November and Serbia-Montenegro hopes to sign the so-called "stabilization and association" deal, considered a stepping-stone to full EU membership, in 2006. (AP photo/Darko Vojinovic)
Guillaume Klossa
24. 11. 2018 | 08:00

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